LZ-Grace and Trails of Purpose

Heart of the Mission

Trails of Purpose is a 501c3 established in 2019. We are located in the Nation's most densely Veteran populated area, Hampton Roads, Virginia. We operate as a Certified Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH int'l) Center. We have working relationships with the Dept of VAThe Fisher HouseTragedy Assistance Programs for Survivors (TAPS)The Navy Seal Foundation, and Veteran's PATH.

We are driven for an innovative Veteran community. We are passionate about creating a safe environment in which relationships with both humans and horses can thrive in. We believe in natures ability to heal. We see the value in reigniting purpose in the lives of Veterans.

Our program operates in cycles: join up, plug into community, master a skill set, become a mentor, pay it forward, live with purpose. 

In addition, we also believe in the healing capabilities of equine partnerships. Horses, as prey animals, have mastered the skill of listening and sensing over the previous centuries. They are highly sensitive and incredibly honest. They cause their human partners to be open to trust and willing to work. Our program utilizes Equine Assisted Activities to grow the bond between horses and humans alike. Powerful growth can happen when we step along side each other and a horse. 
