Solidarity of Sisters and LZ-Grace Warriors Retreat

Grateful and thrilled that LZ-Grace can be a place of solace for these beautiful, talented, thoughtful, Women. They hold up their Warriors and their families every single day. ❤️
This special edition of Sisterhood Sunday 👯‍♀️ features the incredible women of @sherwoodracing !

I had the joy of once again holding space for our @sherwoodracing team Vision Board party. Over the years we have all grown in different ways and our goals and dreams have evolved. Our circle has grown, babies have been born, new members have joined, and yet one thing has never changed. We continue to show up and cheer one another towards whatever finish line we have set for ourselves, on and off the race course.

The power of vision boards is that they birth our dreams from the unmanifest to the manifest. Speaking them out and putting them on paper allows us to connect to the energy of our desires. When we are vibrating on the same frequency we attract like to like, rather than coming from a place of need or want. Throughout the year these visual reminders serve as an anchor when we begin to drift.

We are constantly co-creating our future with the Universe. We must do our part and take action, and the Universe/God/Spirit will fill in the gaps and help us see the next door we need to open. But we are the ones that must open it.

The beauty of creating vision boards together is that when you arrive to the next door and it feels heavy, or you’re scared of what lies on the other side, you have a group of women who will stand with you in solidarity. Every woman who attended last night, not only shared her truth, but also provided ways for the rest of the group to support her.

This collective energy can not be underestimated. We are there to lift each other when we fall, hold each other when we feel lost, and cheer like crazy when we all succeed. Allowing others in not only helps us achieve our goals faster, it makes the journey a lot more fun. That is the gift of sisterhood. •
Thank you @lzgracewarriorsretreat for being a bright light along the path and for hosting this fantastic evening.

#Grace #gratitude #strength